He who endured that pain for my soul

(J. C. Ryle)

He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all — how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?” Romans 8:32


Would I learn how to be contented and cheerful under all the cares and anxieties of life? What school shall I go to? How shall I attain this state of mind most easily? Shall I look at the sovereignty of God, the wisdom of God, the providence of God, the love of God? It is well to do so; but I have a better argument still.

I will look at Calvary and the crucifixion. I feel that He who spared not His only begotten Son but delivered Him up to die for me — will surely with Him give me all things that I really need.
 He who endured that pain for my soul
He who endured that pain for my soul — will surely not withhold from me anything that is really good for me. Because He who has done the greater things for me — will doubtless do the lesser things also.
Therefore He who gave His own blood to procure me a home in Heaven — will unquestionably supply me with all that is really profitable for me by the way.
Ah, reader, there is no school for learning contentment that can be compared with Calvary and the foot of the cross!

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