God has given Himself

(George Mylne, “Reposing in Jesus: Or, The True Secret of Grace and Strength” 1862)

“I am your exceedingly great reward!” Genesis 15:1

Christian reader, God Himself is your reward — your exceedingly great reward. God has given Himself to His people for an everlasting possession, from before the foundation of the world. He made Himself over, by the eternal covenant, as the sure inheritance of His people. He gave Himself to them in perpetuity, with all that He IS, and all that He HAS! That eternal transaction was a matter of free and sovereign grace!

What is it that comforts you in your troubles, lightens your labors, and helps you in your difficulties? Is not that Jesus Himself is your exceeding great reward? It is not merely the promises — not even the prospect of glory — it is Jesus Himself, as your very own possession, which constitutes your reward. To this you look — on this you repose — that Jesus is yours — that you are Jesus’ — that Jesus and you are eternally one!

If Jesus is your exceedingly great reward here —

then how much more so in the world to come!
He will show you more and more of His fullness,
unfold to you the riches of His love,
will open His arms to receive you,
and take you into His very heart and soul.
You shall be swallowed up in Jesus!

What is true happiness? God has given Himself
And what is Heaven?
What is glory to come?
Is it not the Person of Jesus?
To behold Him with your own eyes;
hear Him with your own ears;
feast forever on the divine radiance of His countenance;
forever drink in the refreshments of His glory!
Oh Believer, this is what you have to repose in — Christ has said, “I am your exceedingly great reward!”

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