He knows the way we take

By Octavius Winslow (LISTEN to the Audio)

“He tends His flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in His arms
and carries them close to His heart;
 He gently leads those that have young.”
Isaiah 40:11

Jesus leads those who are burdened, and need a skillful, sure and gentle shepherd.

Our journey to Heaven is across a waste howling wilderness, through an enemy’s country–all armed and combined to resist, dispute, and oppose our every step.

It is a road, also, untraveled and unknown. Over the entrance of every new path is written, “You have not passed this way before!” A new bend in our life transpires, a new path in our pilgrimage is presented–involving new duties, responsibilities, cares and trials. And with fear and trembling we gird ourselves for the new cloud-veiled pilgrimage which God in His goodness has appointed us.

But why these doubts, tremblings, or fears? Jesus is our Leader!He knows the way we take
He knows all the way we take–has mapped every road, and has appointed every path.

As a Teacher, He leads us into all truth.

And As a Captain, He leads us from victory to victory.

As a Shepherd, He leads us into green pastures.

And As a Guide, He leads us along our difficult path–skillfully, gently, and safely.

How does Jesus lead us?

He leads us graciously along all the stages, and through all the exercises of our Christian experience. He does not leave us when our frames are low, our faith is assailed, and darkness covers our soul.

Who could skillfully, patiently, and faithfully lead us along all the mazes, intricacies, and perils of our Christian course, safely to glory–but Christ our Leader?

Commit yourself, O my soul, confidently to the Lord’s leading.
The way may appear all wrong to you, but it is the right way.
Mystery may enshroud it,
  trials may pave it,
    sorrows may darken it,
      tears may bedew it–
nevertheless He is leading you by the right way home.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known,
along unfamiliar paths I will guide them;
I will turn  the darkness into light before them,
and make the rough places smooth.
These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” Isaiah 42:16

Lord, I am a poor, blind child–not knowing my way. And when I do see it, I am often so burdened that I cannot walk. Take me by the hand, and gently, skillfully lead me until traveling days are over, and I am at home with You forever! You have promised gently to lead the burdened and feeble who cannot keep up with the flock. Lord, lead ME!”

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