Is there consolation in times of trouble?

(Frank Hall)

“We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose!” Romans 8:28

Experience teaches us daily that life is filled, not with joy and happiness only–but with troubles, heartache, and pain.

Is there consolation in times of trouble? If there is a verse of Scripture that ministers comfort to my doubting fearful heart, it is Romans 8:28 . . .
help for the helpless,
comfort for those in trouble, and
a beacon of light that guides believers on the tumultuous sea of life.

My beloved brothers and sisters in trouble and strife–all remains well with our souls…
not only has the Son redeemed us from our sins,
and the Spirit regenerated us and given us spiritual life,
but God our Father works all things together for our eternal good! God is our Father, and our God is on His throne ruling all things for the glory of His name, and the everlasting salvation of our immortal souls!

All of God’s people love God!

They love His glorious person and rejoice in all of His perfections as God:
His righteousness, immutability,
holiness, sovereignty,Is there consolation in times of trouble?
wisdom, power.
His love and grace.
They love . . . .
His will, Word,
ways, gospel,
His Son, Spirit,
purpose, providence,
and His people.
God’s people love God–and all that pertains to God. …

What do we know? “We know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose!” Things may appear to be against us, but it only seems that way. We should not judge God’s purpose by His providence–but His providence by His purpose. However, if we judge using the former method, we are sure to misjudge and we will never have peace in this life.

All pleasures, joys, and delights are certainly ruled by our God–but that’s only half of His rule. He rules all evil–as well as all good.
All death, opposition,
sickness, every disaster,
problem, all our pain, and
all our sorrow–
are sovereignly ruled, governed, ordered, and controlled by our God–to bring about eternal good for our souls. God does not tell us how He does this–only that He does.

Whatever my God brings to pass in time, is the outworking of His purpose of grace–and it’s for my good, whether it be in my little sphere of existence, or in the universe at large.

Oh God help me to believe Your Word!

Teach me not only to submit to your providential rule–but to rejoice and rest in it! Set a watch upon my mouth, that I murmur not!  Arrest my heart by your grace, and give me peace! Keep me from sinning with my lips and complaining against Your all-wise, gracious, and adorable providence, for it is good!

God controls and directs all things with . . .
infinite power,
absolute sovereignty, and
unfailing wisdom and grace!
Nothing can . . .
hinder Him from doing His will,
keep Him from having His way, or
stop Him from accomplishing His purpose.

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