One simple promise from God


“Your shoes shall be iron and brass; and as your days — so shall your strength be!” Deuteronomy 33:25

Dr. Doddridge was walking out one day in a very depressed state of mind. His trials were at that time peculiarly heavy; he saw no way of deliverance from them. He was greatly discouraged. As he passed along, the door of a little cottage was standing open, and he heard a child’s voice reading the words, “As your days — so shall your strength be.” The effect produced upon his saddened feelings was indescribable. His despondency vanished, and his heart was filled with peace and joy.One simple promise from God

Yes, one simple promise from God, is enough to chase our fears and cheer our hearts. Our wants and weaknesses are many — but he knows them all. He is both able and willing to supply our every need. Then let us “seek the Lord, and his promised strength.” let our earnest and constant petitions at the throne of grace be, “Give your strength unto your servant.” “Strengthen me according to Your Word.” For it is those who wait upon the Lord, who shall renew their strength. “Wait,” then, “on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart!”

The faithfulness of his character is your security for the fulfillment of his promises. …

“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Heb. 4:16 There should be no hesitation on our part to apply for the strength which we require, for there is no reluctance on God’s part to communicate it. In his hand, it is to give strength to all. A sense of our weakness, and a cry for his aid are the only pre-requisites for its bestowal.

But how is this strength imparted? It is the gift of God, and through grace, is laid hold of by faith. Faith is the hand that grasps, appropriates the promises, and thus fills the soul with all-sustaining, all-conquering energy. The Holy Spirit, by whom all spiritual blessings are bestowed, brings to the Christian the strength which he needs. It teaches him to embrace it by faith. That faith may be weak; but its efficacy depends upon the reality, not the degree of our faith. Therefore, if we sincerely trust in God, through Christ, we may assuredly expect that the aid which we look for, and for which we supplicate, will be granted us.


Yet, while it is true that the smallest amount of true faith forms a channel through which God’s grace flows into our hearts, it is equally true that a stronger degree of faith is more honoring to God. It would lead us to anticipate, and prepare us to receive, a far greater measure of Heavenly assistance than we now possess. “According to your faith,” says the Savior, “be it unto you.” Therefore, if we desire to run without weariness, to walk without fainting, and to mount up with wings as eagles towards our rest above. We should make the request of his disciples our own, “Lord, increase our faith.”

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