God seeks a dwelling place

(Octavius Winslow)

And even the very hairs of your head are all
numbered.” Matthew 10:30

Christ thus teaches us that our Heavenly Father
takes cognizance of the minutest events and
circumstances of our individual history; and that
there is nothing too trivial or common to be
beneath His interest and control.

And although Heaven cannot contain Him, yet God seeks a dwelling place
amid the sighs, groans and desires of a humble, broken and contrite heart

And all the interests of that heart; its . . .God seeks a dwelling place
faintest desire,
gentlest sigh,
softest prayer,
are entwined with the purposes, thoughts,
and affections of His heart.

Our heavenly Father is concerned with the most
infinitesimal event and incident of our history!

“And even the very hairs of your head are all
numbered.” Matthew 10:30

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Our Heavenly Father is concerned…

The possession of Christ explains it! He who
has Christ in him, and Christ with him, and the
hope of being forever with Christ in glory, is not
a poor, nor a sorrowful, nor a suffering, nor a
lone man. He can say, “I am not alone, for my
Father is with me. I am not poor, for all things
are mine. My body is diseased, but my soul is
in health. I have all and abound.”

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For more go to:  https://abbeyjahath.com/devotionals

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