The life of faith is a happy life

(Letters of John NewtonLISTEN to audio!  Download audio

The life of faith is a happy life.

Though it is attended with conflicts–there is an assurance of victory.

Because If we sometimes get a wound–there is healing balm near at hand.

If we seem to fall–we are raised again.

And, if tribulations abound–then consolations shall much more abound.

Is it not happiness to have . . .
an infallible Guide,
invincible Guard,
an Almighty Friend?

It is bliss to be able to say of the Maker of heaven and earth, He is my Beloved, my Shepherd, my Savior and my Husband!”

Oh, the peace which flows from believing . . .The life of faith is a happy life
that all the events in which we are concerned, are under His immediate disposal;
the very hairs of our head are all numbered;
that He delights in our prosperity;
there is a need-be, if we are in heaviness;
and that all things shall surely work together for our good!

How happy to have such views of His sovereignty, wisdom, love, and faithfulness–as will enable us to meet every difficult dispensation with submission; and to look through the painful changes of the present life–to that unchangeable inheritance to which the Lord is leading us; when all evil shall cease, and where our joy shall be perfect and eternal!
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Something to ponder:
“No man who is in his wits would leave the pure, cold, refreshing stream of a crystal fountain–to go to a filthy puddle, or an empty cistern. In the same way, the best enjoyments of this world are not to be compared with Jesus Christ.” John Flavel

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