(George Everard, “The Tears of Jesus!” 1884)
On opening ancient tombs in Palestine, many a tear-bottle has been found, which was a repository for the tears of the mourners, and was then placed in the tomb beside the one who was laid there.
Just so our heavenly Father gathers all the tears of His redeemed children.
“You keep track of all my sorrows.
And You have collected all my tears in Your bottle.
You have recorded each one in Your book!” Psalm 56:8
Not one tear is lost! Nor one sorrow is unheeded. Not one grief is left unbefriended. Therefore all these tears are noted by our merciful Father above!
We have a Savior who knows our sorrows, and by His tears can heal wounds “In all their affliction, He was afflicted.” When He was on earth, He wept with those who wept — and He is still the same. We can think of the tears He shed more than eighteen centuries ago — and know that at this hour He is the same loving and sympathizing Friend!