All Christians are “heirs of the kingdom”

(James Smith, “Comfort for Christians!”)  Play Audio!  Download Audio

“Hearken, my beloved brethren, has not God chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which He has promised to those who love Him?” James 2:5

Poverty is not spirituality, but sanctified poverty is a great friend to it.

And Poverty is no sin, but it is sometimes a preventive to sin.

Poverty has its temptations, but it has also its consolations.

The poor ought not to repine at poverty, because God in His infinite wisdom has appointed it and is able to render it the greatest blessing.

God’s chosen are generally found among the poor. Not that He chose them because they were poor; but choosing them in Christ, He appointed poverty as the best thing for them.

God’s enemies have their full portion in this life; here they have their good things. Not so with God’s children! Here on earth they have their evil things, and their best things are yet to come!

The poor Christian has . . .
a rich Father in whom to trust;
the fullness of Jesus to supply him;
the precious promises on which to depend;
the Holy Spirit to be his Comforter;
and a glorious inheritance to anticipate and forever dwell in!

All Christians are “heirs of the kingdom”,

the kingdom of grace here–and of glory hereafter;
and the kingdom in which Jesus will reign;All Christians are “heirs of the kingdom”
the kingdom where they will be princes; yes, kings and priests;
and the kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world!

My poor brother, my poor sister!
Look up!
Look forward!

Your cottage will soon be exchanged for a mansion!

Sickness will soon be exchanged for health!

Poverty will soon be exchanged for wealth!

Sin will soon be exchanged for perfect holiness!

Your earth will soon be exchanged for Heaven!

You will not always be poor! You will not be poor for long.
Jesus will soon come–and then you will reign with Him!

For you, an inheritance is reserved in Heaven, and

mansion is being prepared!

For you, glory, honor, immortality, even eternal life, are in reserve!

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