Thank You precious Jesus

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Lord Jesus,

I come before You with a heart overflowing with gratitude and awe. Thank You, my Savior, for the wondrous love You have shown in laying down Your life for me, a vile sinner. How can I comprehend the depth of Your sacrifice? You, the spotless Lamb of God, took upon Yourself the punishment I so rightfully deserved. You bore my sins and endured the agony of the cross, not because of anything that I have done to deserve it, but because of Your boundless love and grace.

I was lost and condemned, helpless and hopeless–yet You gave Your life to save me. Your love knows no limits, no boundaries, no conditions. It is overwhelming and immeasurable, and I am most grateful and humbled by it.

Thank You for taking my place, for giving Yourself to suffer and die as my sin-atoning sacrifice. Thank You for the gift of eternal life that You have freely given, not because I am worthy, but because You are merciful and full of grace. I can never begin to repay You, but I offer the love of my poor heart, in response to the marvelous mercy and grace which You have shown to me.

thank You, precious Jesus, for bearing my eternal punishment so that I might know the peace of being reconciled to Father-God. My heart is forever Yours.Thank You precious Jesus

“Christ died for the ungodly

“While we were still sinners, Christ died for us”

“When we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son”
Romans 5:6, 8, 10

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