The way to life is narrow

Various authors (LISTEN to the Audio)  

Matthew 7:13-14
“Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

In these verses, Jesus presents a sobering truth: the way to life is narrow, and few find it; while the way to destruction is broad and heavily traveled. This passage stands as a solemn warning against self-deception. It challenges us to examine whether we are truly walking in the narrow path, or merely following the religious crowd down the broad road of worldly ease and self-indulgence.The road to life is narrow

The broad road is appealing because it requires no self-denial, no submission to God’s Word, and no transformation of heart. It is the road of pride, worldliness, and self-sufficiency–the very things that sinful man loves. Tragically, this road ends in eternal destruction.

Conversely, the narrow gate is the way of faith, repentance, and holiness. It is a path marked by trial, persecution, and self-denial–but it leads to eternal life.

The narrow road is not for the half-hearted or the double-minded. Only those whom the Spirit has regenerated and drawn to Christ in true saving faith, walk in the narrow road.

This passage dismantles the false gospel of easy-believism that pervades much of modern Christianity. Jesus does not present the narrow road as an optional, higher-tier discipleship path for the especially devout. It is the only road to eternal life.

Many profess faith in Christ, yet walk the broad road, deceived into thinking they are saved, while refusing to submit to Christ’s Lordship!

True faith produces obedience; not perfection, but a life genuinely marked by repentance and growing holiness.


Jesus’ words should cause us to examine ourselves.
Have we truly entered the narrow gate?

Let us not be numbered among the many who take the broad and easy road to destruction, but among the few who follow Jesus on narrow road that leads to eternal life.

“Then He said to them all: If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me!” Luke 9:23

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