I venture to say that the greatest earthly blessing that God can give to any of us is health–with the exception of sickness. Sickness has frequently been of more use to the saints of God than health has.
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Those who dive in the sea of affliction–bring up rare pearls!
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Is there anything in the world that is worthy to be compared with the incalculable mercy of forgiven sin?
What if I am poor? Yet I am forgiven!
What if I am sickly? Yet I am forgiven!
What if I shall soon die? Yet I am forgiven!
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The groans of sick, yet submissive saints–are as musical to God’s ear as the hallelujahs of archangels!
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Why must we have a severe sickness or affliction in order to drive us to God and bring us to our knees? We must go to God in every time of peril and trouble–even in the minor trials and difficulties of life.
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It is well to praise the Lord for His mercy when you are in health–but make sure that you do it when you are sick, for then your praise is more likely to be genuine.
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The prayer of faith is not always literally answered. God, sometimes, instead of taking away the sickness or the death–gives us grace that we may profit by the sickness, or that we may triumph in the hour of death.
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Restoration from sickness should always be ascribed to God. Whatever part the physician may play, and he often plays a very important part–yet to God, who gives the physician wisdom and skill, must the gracious result be ascribed.
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You believe in God for the salvation of your soul.
Believe in Him about your temporal circumstances.
Believe in God about your sick wife or your dying child.
Believe in God about your losses and bad debts and declining business.
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Sickness may deprive us of a thousand comforts–but there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God!
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We are seldom grateful for good health. God knows that we need to be sick, sometimes, to make us know the value of health–and therefore He sends us to the bed of sickness that we may learn a lesson of gratitude.
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The weaklings and the sickly of the flock are the special objects of the Savior’s care.
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