He can extract pleasure out of pain!

(Letters of William Romaine, 1714-1795)

Dear friend,
He loves you more than you can possibly love yourself; and He will send you nothing but what is for your real and best interest, and He will let you find it so. His love is almighty, and it is unchangeable. What can He not do, what will He not do, when His heart is set upon blessing His people!

He does all things well! Yes, He intends to do better for you, far better than you can even imagine!

It is a common thing with Him to bring spiritual good out of temporal evil. He can extract pleasure out of pain! Yes, He can enrich by impoverishing; and turn losses into gain. To you it is now given, as a matter of His choice favor, not only to believe on Him, but also to be conformed to Him by bearing His cross. This He is aiming at.

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3 responses to “He can extract pleasure out of pain!

  1. Wonderful reminder aj. Our Father disciplines those He loves. Every time we fall into despair when we think we are in distress we have but to look UP not around and know we are His, know we are loved.

  2. BEAUTIFUL aj…love the new logo and colors you have given your site. Now in conjunction with the verses and prayers it is even more pleasant viewing. Keep praying.

    1. Thanks for your kind words re the new colors and logo! Working hard to draw more people to read His Words! aj

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