The doctrine of Divine Providence…

(James Smith, “Comfort for the Christian”)

“Your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things!” Matthew 6:32

The Lord Jesus, as the great teacher, is instructing His disciples in the doctrine of divine providence, and teaching them to exercise faith in God. He tells them that God feeds the sparrows and clothes the lilies — and therefore, He will not neglect, or refuse to feed and clothe His redeemed children!

He would have us act like His children!
As children who view the Most High God as their Father!
As children who are absolutely dependent upon Him!
As children who look to Him for all; and expect Him to supply them with all.

God is our FATHER. He has adopted us by His grace. We were by nature fatherless, so far as spiritual relationship is concerned.
But in His infinite mercy, and for the glory of His own free grace — God adopted us, and placed us among His children!

We still have a heavenly Father who cares for us! And as the heaven is high above the earth — so far does God’s relationship exceed all human relationships. To have God for our Father — is the height of blessedness, it is the crowning privilege!

Nothing can exceed this, for His love is infinite — and embraces all His children. His love cannot change — for that would imply a change in His nature. But He says, “I am Jehovah — I do not change!” Everything outside of the Divine nature will change. But Jehovah himself loves His people — and as His nature cannot change — neither can His love!

His resources are boundless — and He supplies all of His children. They are never sent to any other quarter for supply — but always bidden to come to their Father for all that they need.

His pity is exquisite — and He sympathizes with all of His children. “Like as a father pities his children — so the Lord pities all who fear Him. He knows our frame — He remembers that we are but dust.”

His knowledge is perfect, therefore He is fully acquainted with them all. “All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” He knows exactly where each one is — and each of their wantswoes, and wishes! For “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on the behalf of all those who hearts are sincere towards Him.”

His strength is omnipotent — and protects them all. He says, “No one is able to pluck you out of my hand! I will strengthen you! I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of My righteousness.”

His nature is unchangeable — and His covenant is sure; therefore He will be to us, and do for us — all that He has promised to us!

Scripture history unfolds God’s love to, and the method of his dealing with His children. He is “the same yesterday, today — and forever!”

What a mercy — to have a Father — and such a Father!

What an astounding blessing — to have God for our Father in a world like this, and in times like these!

What a comfort — to look up to the High and Lofty one who inhabits eternity — and rejoice that He has a father’s heart — and that His heart beats with unutterable love to me!

What an encouragement — to be able in the midst of trials, troubles, temptations, losses, crosses, disappointments, and vexations — to look up to my heavenly Father and say, “I will cry unto God most high, unto God who performs all things for me!”

“Your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things!”

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