The Rainbow in the clouds…

(John MacDuff, “The Rainbow in the Clouds”)

“Let the Lord be exalted, who delights in the prosperity of His servant.” Psalm 35:27

What is “prosperity?” Is it threads of life weaved into a bright outcome? a full cup? ample riches? worldly applause? an unbroken circle?
No! these are often a snare, received without gratitude, dimming the soul to its nobler destinies.

Often spiritually, it rather means God taking us by the hand into the lowly Valleys of Humiliation; leading us as He did His servant Job of old out of his sheep, oxen, camels, health, wealth, children. This is in order that we may be brought before Him in the dust and say, “Blessed be His holy name!”


Yes! The very reverse of what is generally known in the world as Prosperity forms the background on which the Rainbow of Promise is seen. Therefore God smiles on us through these rainbows and teardrops of sorrows! He loves us too well. Because He has too great an interest in our spiritual welfare to permit us to live on in what is misnamed “Prosperity.” ​…

I may not be able now to understand the mystery of these dealings.

Therefore I may be asking through the tears,
“Why this unkind arrest on my earthly happiness?Rest in the quiet consciousness
so premature a lopping of my boughs of promise?
such a speedy withering of my most cherished gourd?”

The answer is plain. Because it is your soul’s prosperity which He has in view! ​…

His afflictions are no arbitrary appointments. There is righteous necessity in all that He does. As He.​..​leads you by ways you know not, and which you never would have chosen–He whispers the gentle accents in your ear, “Beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper–even as your soul prospers!”

Therefore Rest in the quiet consciousness that all is well. Murmur at nothing which brings you nearer to His own loving Presence. Be thankful for your very cares, because you can confidently cast them all upon Him. He has both your temporal and eternal “prosperity” too much at heart–to appoint one superfluous pang, one needless stroke. Therefore, commit all that concerns you to His safe keeping, and leave it there!

​~  ~  ~  ~​

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2 responses to “The Rainbow in the clouds…

  1. I especially like the part that says: “Rest in the quiet consciousness that all is well. Murmur at nothing which brings you nearer to His own loving Presence.” My hope is that I have grown mature enough to interpret all difficulties within my life of faith in Christ as a means to draw me closer to Him! Precious treasure! Thanks, as always, for digging up these gems to encourage us pilgrims on our daily path.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! I had a most difficult few days with some basement flooding after a flash flood storm when this gem appeared…as if God sent it to me on just the right day. There wasn’t any rainbow that I could see, but His Rainbow brought me peace in the flood. My cell phone also died in the midst of a 12-hour power failure as I heard water pour into my home when even the back-up sump failed, so it was just Jesus and me…He was more than enough! I’m so thankful that you were blessed with this devotional, too. Thanks for writing! aj

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