Only three pages

(William Mason, “The One Thing Needful to Make Poor Sinners Rich–and Miserable Sinners Happy” 1773)

I have read of a godly man who was once very dissolute. When converted, his former companions sought to bring him back to his former wicked courses. But he told them, “I am deeply engaged in meditating on a little book which contains only three pages; so at present I have no time for other business.”

Sometime after, being asked if he had finished his book, he replied, “No; for though it contains only three pages, yet there is so much contained in them, that I have devoted myself to read therein all the days of my life.

The first page is red. Here I meditate on the sufferings of my Lord and Savior, His shedding His precious blood, as an atonement for my sins, and a ransom for my soul, without which I must have been a damned sinner in Hell to all eternity!

The second page is white. This cheers my heart with the wonderful consideration of the unspeakable joys of Heaven obtained for me by Christ–and of being forever with Him!

The third page is black. Here I think of the horrible state of the damned–and the perpetual torments they are suffering in Hell. O this excites thankfulness to my Savior, for His wonderful love and rich grace, in snatching me as a brand out of Hell-fire, and saving me from eternal destructions!”

Here is a good man, a good book, and a good example for you and me. “Let us go and do likewise.” Constantly meditate . . .
upon Christ;
upon the wrath He has saved us from;
and the glory He has saved us to!

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