An ever present help

(Charles Spurgeon)

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1

He is our refuge–let us hide in Him.An ever present help

And He is our strength–let us array ourselves with Him.

Because He is our help–let us lean upon Him.

He is our ever-present help–let us rest in Him now.

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Drawing Near to God

“Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you”   (James 4:8).

The nearer we come to God, the more graciously will He reveal Himself to us. When the prodigal comes to his father, his father runs to meet him. When the wandering dove returns to the ark, Noah puts out his hand to pull her in unto him. Come then, dear friend, let us draw nigh to God who so graciously awaits us, yea, comes to meet us.

Did you ever notice that passage in Isaiah 58:9? There the LORD seems to put Himself at the disposal of His people, saying to them, “Here I am.” As much as to say — “What have you to say to me? What can I do for you? I am waiting to bless you.” How can we hesitate to draw near? Because God is nigh to forgive, to bless, to comfort, to help, to quicken, to deliver. Let it be the main point with us to get near to God. This done, all is done. If we draw near to others, they may before long grow weary of us and leave us; but if we seek the LORD alone, no change will come over His mind, but He will continue to come nearer and yet nearer to us by fuller and more joyful fellowship.

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