He knows my name

(from Octavius Winslow’s “Christ, the Shepherd”

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep…”
John 10:14
Jesus possesses a perfect knowledge of His sheep,
collectively and individually. How else could He meet
the demands of each and all of a flock composed of
countless numbers, and scattered far and wide over
the face of the earth?

He knows my name

my requirements;
all my individual circumstances, positions, and needs.

I know my sheep,” is His own declaration of
this glorious truth, and a more precious truth;
one more replete with assurance and comfort
never flowed from His grace anointed lips.

My soul, ponder this truth in the lightHe knows my name
individuality, and reason the matter with yourself
thus: Jehovah, my Shepherd, knows me individually.
He calls me by my name; recognizes my person;
is acquainted with my needs; and is cognizant of
the path I tread. And although others may but
imperfectly know me, or know me not at all; my
actions misunderstood, my motives misconstrued;
ignorant of my daily cross, my veiled sorrow, and
the narrow and difficult path I tread; nevertheless,
Jesus the Shepherd has declared; “I know my sheep.”

Enough, my Lord!
Not a path perplexes me;
nor a cloud shades me;
not a difficulty embarrasses me;
nor a need grieves me;
or a grief distresses me;
not a being wounds me;
but You, the Lord my Shepherd, know it altogether.

“He knows the way that I take; and when
He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep…”
John 10:14

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