the change within

(Thomas Guthrie, “Christ and the Inheritance of the Saints” 1803-1873)

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Behold the creeping worm,
it is bred in corruption,
it crawls on the ground,
its food is the coarsest fare.

But in time, it undergoes its wonderful metamorphosis. The wriggling caterpillar–becomes a winged and painted butterfly! And at this change, along with its old skin–it casts off its old habits and instincts. Now, it has a will as well as wings to fly. Now . .  .
its bed is the bosom of a flower,
food is the honeyed nectar.
Its home is the sunny air, and
new instincts animate its frame.
The change within, corresponds to the change without. Therefore, it now spurns the ground–and, as you may gather from its merry, mazy dance–the creature is happy, and delights in the new duties which it is called to perform.

Just so it is in th​e​ change​ within​ which grace works in sinners!The change within
Their nature is now so accommodated to their redeemed state,
their wishes are so fitted to their wants,
hopes are so fitted to their prospects,
their aspirations are so fitted to their honors,
and their will is so fitted to their work–
that they would be less content to return to their old polluted pleasures–than the beautiful butterfly would desire to be stripped of its silken wings, and condemned to pass its days amid the old, foul garbage, its former food!
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Something to ponder
Thomas Guthrie: “A most amazing spectacle is here–the Son of God turns His back on Heaven! He leaves the happy fellowship of his Father, He bares to the sword of justice, and in the depths of a love never to be fathomed–He dies on that accursed tree, the just for the unjust, that we might be saved!”


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