“Oh, how I love Your Law! I meditate on it all day long!” Psalm 119:97
The Bible is . . .
an armory of heavenly weapons, 
a pharmacy of infallible medicines,
a mine of exhaustless wealth,
a guidebook for every road,
a chart for every sea,
a medicine for every malady, and
a balm for every wound!
Rob us of our Bible, and our sky has lost its sun!
an armory of heavenly weapons,

a pharmacy of infallible medicines,
a mine of exhaustless wealth,
a guidebook for every road,
a chart for every sea,
a medicine for every malady, and
a balm for every wound!
Rob us of our Bible, and our sky has lost its sun!
“This is my comfort in my affliction–that Your Word has revived me!” Psalm 119:50
“Your Words were found, and I ate them–and Your Word was to me the joy and rejoicing of my heart!” Jeremiah 15:16
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“Dear friend, make God your Confidant. Carry to Him all your needs, disclose to Him all your sorrows, confide to Him all your secrets, confess to Him all your sins. He will do all, soothe all, supply all, and pardon all–for who is a God like Him? He cares for you, His loving heart is towards you, His unslumbering eye is upon you! Oh, how condescendingly kind and gentle is Jesus to poor sinners who feel their need of Him, and are conscious that they can do nothing without Him! You will always meet with a kind welcome from Jesus, come when you may and how you will.” Mary Winslow
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