Our privileges will be new

(Thomas Reade)

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“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

Our perceptions will be new. A divine light will break in upon our minds.
The darkness of error, which obscured the truth from our view, will be dissipated.

Our principles will be new:
We shall act from pure, holy, unselfish motives.
Faith working by love will be the grand moving principle.
will no longer be the pivot on which we turn, but Jesus will be our all in all.

Our practice will be new. We shall live no longer according to the sinful customs of the world, or the powerful solicitations of the flesh–but according to the holy precepts of the everlasting Gospel. We shall delight in the law of God after the inward man. It will be our food and drink to do the will of our Father.

Our plans will be new. We shall dedicate ourselves, and all we have and are, to the service of that divine Savior who loved us and gave Himself for us. We shall not be daily occupied in forming plans for worldly pleasure, or projecting schemes for the acquisition of worldly profit; but in devising means for carrying on the cause of truth, and for spreading the knowledge of a crucified Redeemer throughout the earth.

Our prospects will be new. The darkness being past, and the true light now shining–we shall see the distant radiance of the heavenly Zion, and behold, with the telescopic eye of faith, the land which is very far off!


Our privileges will be new:

God will be our reconciled Father.Our privileges will be new
Jesus will be our Savior and friend.
The Holy Spirit will be our sanctifier and comforter.
And Heaven will be our eternal home!

Our portion will be new.
All those exceeding great and precious promises, will be ours.
We shall be heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ!
We shall be the citizens of the New Jerusalem, and inherit that kingdom that is incorruptible and undefiled, prepared for all the new creatures in Christ Jesus, before the foundation of the world!

To sum up all this blessedness, we shall experience in this world a progression in holiness–and in the world to come, a perpetuity of bliss!

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