The greatest blessing

(James Smith, “The Voice of Mercy in the House of Affliction!” 1855)

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Salvation is . . .
the greatest blessing that God can bestow;
deliverance from the greatest misery;
exaltation to the greatest happiness;
the greatest change in man’s state and character which can possibly be effected;
the greatest display of the love, wisdom, grace, and power of God!

Because Salvation is the very blessing that you need. The blessing which you must receive, or be eternally undone!

Therefore Salvation is a blessing for the PRESENT, for it is deliverance . . .
from the guilt of sin, which makes you miserable;
and from the power of sin, which makes you unholy;
from the love of sin, which proves you to be God’s enemy.

Because Salvation is a blessing for the FUTURE. It secures to you safety and happiness in time, and glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life when time shall be no more!

Therefore Salvation is a blessing which comprehends every other blessing.
If the man is saved, then all good things are his. The greatest blessing
If the man is lost, then nothing good is his.
Because To be saved, is . . .
for the soul to be restored to a right relationship to God;
to be put in possession of unsearchable wealth;
and to be raised to the highest honor;
to be entitled to eternal glory!

Therefore No word is as sweet as salvation–as no word is as dreadful as its opposite, damnation! Because Reader, there is no intermediate state between these two extremes.

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