Let Him participate

(Octavius Winslow, “Go to Jesus”)

Then Jesus said, “Come to Me, all of you
who are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

The life of faith is a constant coming to
for daily, hourly, and fresh supplies.

Let every circumstance and event, every
trial, sorrow, and need, be an echo of the
gracious life inspiring words: “Go to Jesus!”

Go to Jesus, confessing sin.
unveiling grief.
telling need.
Go to Jesus, breathing love, desire, and hope.

You are still in the land of famine and of need.
But your heavenly Father would remind you
that He has anticipated and provided . . .
for all your requirements,
your history,
for your daily demands,
in Him whom whose fullness fills all in all.

Take the broken heart;
cold heart, or the glowing heart;
your barrenness, or your fruitfulness;
sunbeam of prosperity, or the cloud of adversity;
the joy, the sorrow; Let Him participate
take all to Jesus!

Let Him participate in all, keep you in all,
sympathize with all; for Jesus is your Brother,
raised up to befriend, relieve, and preserve
you in your time of need.

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I am God’s child!

(James Smith, “Food for the Soul” 1867)

“We are the children of God!” Romans 8:16

Never let us forget or lose sight of this — but let us live, walk, and act under the impression that, “I am God’s child!

He knows me — and knows all about me;

loves me — and loves me with the same love with which He loves His only-begotten Son;

cares for me — and so cares for me that I ought not to be anxious about anything.

He is with me — and will never for one moment trust me out of His sight, or out of the reach of His hand.

Because He appoints my daily lot — and will overrule everything for my eternal welfare!

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For more go to:  https://abbeyjahath.com/devotionals

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