Our numberless mercies!

.(Charles Simeon)  LISTEN to Audio!   Download Audio

“My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day long, though their number is past my knowledge!” Psalm 71:15

David penned this Psalm and gave it to the church, as a memorial of God’s unbounded mercy and faithfulness towards him.

Here we see what the subjects of our daily contemplation should be. Like David, we have numberless blessings from God’s hands. Could we realize but one half of the mercies we have received, we would be overwhelmed with wonder and astonishment!

From our youth up, even to the present moment, God’s care of us has been unintermitted, and His interpositions truly wonderful. But still greater has been His care for our souls. Behold the multitudinous blessings of salvation which He has given to us; truly their number surpasses knowledge!

How inestimable are our numberless mercies! Who can ever declare the value of pardon or peace, or holiness or eternal glory? 

Go down to the dread abodes of Hell, and see the misery of unpardoned sin!Our numberless mercies!

Or go up to the regions of bliss in Heaven. See the joys that are at God’s right hand for evermore!

Or Ponder the state of God’s redeemed people here on earth,  Contrast the liberty enjoyed by His children–with the bondage endured by the slaves of Satan!

Then you will see what unspeakable obligations we owe to God for His electing, redeeming, and regenerating grace!


Therefore How incalculable is the price which Jesus paid for our numberless mercies!


“You know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.”  How inconceivable is the cost which Jesus paid for our salvation!  All the angels in Heaven could not count the mighty sum!

All of our unsearchable mercies are the fruits of God’s Sovereign Grace! All are bestowed on the very chief of sinners.They were not given to us according to our works, but according to God’s purpose and grace, which He purposed from all eternity in Christ Jesus our Lord!

It seems astonishing, that men so indebted to their God, should be able to find time for everything but praise. David in his Psalms, sets a good example for us. “I will extol You, my God, O king; and I will bless Your name forever and ever!”

Let us only learn to rightly appreciate the mercies which we have received. There will be no bounds to our gratitude, and no end to our praise!

David said, “My mouth shall tell of your righteousness and your salvation all the day long!”

What other subject of conversation can we ever find so interesting, useful, worthy of a rational being–and, above all, so suitable to a redeemed soul!

The apostles “preached to men the unsearchable riches of Christ!” So filled with this subject was the apostle Paul, that “he resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified!”

This subject is utterly inexhaustible! In it “are contained all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge!”

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